# IBM PCDOS Color Configuration File# Display Configuration Section:1; # OPSYS: 1 = PCDOS, 2 = MSDOS27,91,0,0,59,0,0,72; # ADDR_STRING: cursor addressing string1; # ADDR_FORMAT: 0 == binary, 1 == ASCII3; # LIN_OFFSET: line # offset in address string6; # COL_OFFSET: col # offset in address string0; # LIN_BIAS: line # bias (home row)0; # COL_BIAS: col # bias (home col)27,91,50,74; # SCRN_ERASE: clear screen27,91,75; # CLR_EOL: clear to end of line1; # _HEADLINE_ATT: white (high) on blue0; # _INPUTFLD_ATT: yellow (high) on black1; # _MSGLINE_ATT: white (high) on red0; # _NULL_ATT: light grey (normal) on black0; # _PROMPT_ATT: light green (high) on black0; # _TEXT_ATT: green (normal) on black0; # _TITLE_ATT: white (high) on blue0; # _WAIT_ATT: blinking light grey on black# Keyboard Configuration Section:1; # FKEY_VALU: key for help F12; # key to file F23; # key to skip F34; # key for window F45; # key to delete F56; # key to find F6216; # unused F7217; # unused F8218; # unused F9219; # unused F1011; # key to EXIT ESC13; # key to select Enter14; # CTRL-X (unused) 15; # CTRL-R (unused)16; # CTRL-P (unused)30; # up arrow Arrows31; # down arrow29; # right arrow28; # left arrow24; # home key25; # end of screen key26; # page up key27; # page down key206; # insert key207; # delete key8; # backspace key# Output Characters Configuration Section:176; # Bar graph output character95; # Data entry prompt char (XENIX=95, DOS=176)62; # ARROW >>> Prompt char (>>=175, >=62)124,45,124,124,124,45,124,124; # == Menu program box124,45,124,124,124,45,124,124; # -- Maintenance program box44; # Comma in numerics 999,999 (,)46; # Decimal in numerics 9.99 (.)a; # Default date format (mm/dd/yy)66; # Default form/page size (# lines)80; # Default page width (# columns)1; # Windows Automatically On = 1, Off = 01; # Insert Automatically On = 1, Off = 00; # Spooling On = 1 (lpr), Off = 0 (PRN)PRN; # Spooler Name or Printer Name13; # Print line newline charactersY; # Yes-answer for Report Writer yes/no questionsN; # No-answer for Report Writer yes/no questions1; # 1 = use '[n]' for subscripts, 0 = use '(n)'92; # Used in system date '\d' ect... 92 = '\'ENG; # Name of language file; # Print Banner Name (must start with letter)36; # Currency symbol2; # Function key delay (1, 2 or 3)0; # Double byte characters30,0; # Field name, field description lengths for windows60,62,91,93; # Name of File On Disk range and replacement markers - "<,>,[,]"11; # Maximum sort space size in chunks of 8 kilobytes8; # Minimum free space during sort in chunks of 8 kilobytes